Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dating Across Boundaries : Intercultural Dating and Relationships

The Office of Intercutural Affairs Presents:

!The Last Event of the Semester!
~ Discussion on Intercultural Dating ~
FEATURING: PROFESSOR DEMARCO, Lecturer of the Philosophy of Love course.

*Ever been confused about dating across cultures? Frustrated?
*What are the right signals?
*How to make the first move?
*Who makes the first move?
*What are the different dating customs and practices?
*What may be offensive?
*How are friends and family involved?
*When do you know they are interested?
*Should you be direct?
*Who pays the bill?
*What does a kiss on the cheek really mean?

~ Find out at Dating Across Boundaries ~


#~Come to learn, share experiences, pose questions and get answers!!~#

Friday, April 8, 2011

Film Screening of The King Speech

The King's Speech 
The story of King George VI of Britain, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it. 
Starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter 

Showing : April 9th , Saturday , Jefferson 218 , 7:30 PM 
A collaboration between Speaker's Forum and Office of Intercultural Affairs. The event is being put on as one of our annual Disability Awareness programs; to highlight issues of disabilities and encourage awareness and understanding.

In the film, the lead character has an extremely strong speech impediment, which his peers and family consider an unfavorable characteristic for a perspective king. However, as the story tells, he is able to find his own voice and bravely lead his country. Many people suffer from various speech disorders or impediments, which often have negative social effects and can lead to bullying and low self-esteem. Hopefully, through this powerful movie we can portray the struggles of someone facing such difficulties and being able to overcome them triumphantly

The Screening of the arguably the best movie of the year. The King's Speech is an inspiring story that will have you captivated from start to finish. Nothing short of outstanding

Friday, April 1, 2011

International Gala Today

Performances from Clark Students from all around the World ! Tonight @ 7:00pm In the Kneller Athletic Center . Acts include: Jamaica, New Zealand, United West Africa , England, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Canada, USA, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Peru, Ireland and many more !!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intercultural Dating Event - Coming Soon ...

OIA is preparing for one of its last events of the academic year , and this one is entitled Intercultural Dating.

This is the first time that our office will be holding this event. 

What the event hopes to address is all those issues and topics, good and bad , surrounding Intercultural Dating.

~ Do you sometimes feel that your out of the loop when it comes to cross-cultural dating? ~ Or have you had a great and fun experience that you would like to share? ~ Has it been difficult to approach someone you have liked for way too long, but you don't know what to say because you haven't been raised with the same background? ~ Would you want to learn those intricate signals and cues of another culture?

This is the event for those questions !

Coming the 3rd week of April 

Telling Her Story

Telling Her Story Event : Tomorrow, March 29th , Bullock Hall , 3rd Floor

Spend Lunch Time with OIA and Jane Daigneault !!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ladies' Night 2011 - Celebrating Clark Women

Friday, March 18th 2011
Tilton Hall 
5pm - 7pm

Join us for an evening of fun and celebration of empowerment. Listen to stories of growing up in different environments as Clark Women showcase their national costumes during Multicultural Fashion Show, taste foods from Indian Cafe, Pampas, and Wholly Cannoli, get a free massage, and enjoy an evening full of fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Donna Brazile @ Clark University

February 10th marked the day that Donna Brazile made her visit to Clark University.
Donna Brazile    
Picture source: Wocester Telegram and Gazette Feb. 10th.

She is an adjunct professor, author, syndicated columnist, television political commentator, Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation at the Democratic National Committee, and former chair of the DNC Voting Rights Institute. (More info can be found on her website 
Donna Brazile (left) and Graduate Assistant, Tara

Her words made a significant impact that day. She spoke on many things such as Black History Month and Clark's theme, to commemorate the month, The Evolution of Blackness. She encouraged us to start thinking of Black history as our collective history. Giving her own tales of her youth and ancestry, she thoroughly entertained and captivated her audience. Other topics she touched on were the importance of education, internal US party politics, and foreign policy. 

If you haven't heard Ms Brazile speak, you should! Not many political figures can relate to her audience and make you feel a part of the conversation. Ms. Brazile is definitely a wise woman, with even wiser words. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Film Screening - Dare Not Walk Alone

Tuesday 2/22/11 at 7:00pm
Jefferson Academic Center Room 218

A documentary about the heroic but often overlooked Civil Rights movement and its aftermath in Saint Augustine, Florida

NAACP IMAGE AWARD Nominee - Outstanding documentary
Official Selection San Francisco Black Film Festival
Official Selection Atlanta Film Festival

Snacks served and a discussion following the film
For special accommodations contact OIA @ 508-793-7362 or

Friday, January 21, 2011

Asian New Year

Celebrate the beginning of the Year of Rabbit! Come by Dana Commons and learn how different Asian cultures honor the start of another year. Taste delicious local foods, participate in interactive activities, and see performances from different regions.

When? Sunday, February 6th, 2011 from 3pm to 6pm
Where? Dana Commons!