Monday, November 29, 2010

Small America: The Vice Guide to Liberia

Come learn more about the current situation in this West African nation and its unique relationship with the United States with video clips and discussion.

"America's one and only foray into African colonialism is keeping a very uneasy peace indeed." 

-Shane Smith, the Vice Guide to Liberia

Friday, December 3
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Jonas Clark 001

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Taste of Cambodia!

Friday, November 19th, 3:00pm-5:00pm in Dana Commons
Asian Cultural Society invites all Clarkies to experience rich Cambodian culture through participating in their event "Inside the Hot Pot: a Taste of Cambodia"! Experience unique Cambodian culture and celebrations, learn about its rich history, indulge in music, dance and fashion, and get a taste of authentic Cambodian cuisine!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Glimpses of Verbal Pollution

For the past couple of weeks the OIA has been working on an event called “Verbal Pollution”. We hear about pollution all the time, pollution in the air, pollution in water, rivers, but we rarely ever think of pollution as a factor that is even present in our relationships and communication with others. Pollution is defined as a “contaminant that causes instability, discomfort to our ecosystem and to living things” and even though we might be unaware of it, there are many factors such as the words we use that pollute our interactions with others. Verbal Pollution is an event that seeks to explore the true meaning and history behind many unacceptable, yet commonly used words. While working on the event, many interesting conversations came up in the office. I realized that there are many misused words in Spanish that I had been unaware of, and until this moment, I had overlooked the implications of using the word. We are hoping to create a sense of attention to the participants in the event. Hopefully we will be more aware and careful not to pollute every aspect of our lives, including our interactions with others.